To comply with the recent shelter in place orders issued by the state of Michigan and as a precaution to all of our customers we will be making the following operational changes effectively immediately:
Hours: 10am – 3:00pm
We will only allow a Maximum of 2 customers in the store at a time to maintain safe distancing.
Both doors will remain locked. We will only be allowing entrance from the “Fabric side” door.
Primarily we will be here to allow the dropping off/picking up of merchandise or sewing machine sales.
This includes sewing machine repair.
If our reduced hours do not work please contact us at to schedule a time we can meet you here.
Fabric sales will be allowed, but we cannot allow many customers in the store at the same time. If you know what type of fabric you’re after that is appreciated. We’re trying to limit browsing.
We are currently not accepting any new alterations.
All alterations we have made commitments to will be completed on time and we can arrange for a pick up if updated hours do not work.
We will get through this together as a community.
Every one keep safe.
Keep each other in your prayers.
-Bonnie, Robert, Cyndi, Sophia, Gwen