Scrapbuster Christmas Cards


Scraps (1″ or smaller) cut into various shapes. I just laid them all on the table and cut them with the rotary cutter a few times randomly

5×7 Blank Christmas card or cardstock

2 – 5″x7″ water soluble stabilizer (I used wet and gone on the bottom and water soluble topper on top)

coordinating thread

2 bowls to fill up with water later

basic sewing supplies

Basic Christmas shapes (template link can be found at the bottom of this tutorial)

Optional (tulle or organza in place of water soluble topper on top)


Lay one sheet of wet and gone onto a flat surface

2. Layer your scrap pieces onto the wet and gone. You want to overlap them and pile them up. Don’t be skimpy on this part.  I layered mine about 2-3 pieces deep.

3. Lay the one sheet of water soluble topper on top and pin in place.  You can also use wet and gone on the top. The pinning helps the shifting of the pieces during the sewing process.

  1. Quilt as desired removing pins as you go.  Straight stitches. Free motion. Decorative stitches. Make it your own! Just keep the stitching no further than 1/4″ apart.  I like to cross hatch with a coordinating thread 1/4″ apart and then do decorative stitches on top using a contrasting thread for a pop.

  1. Cut out your desired shape. I provided some shapes below, but you can make any shape, it doesn’t have to be Christmas!

  1. Fill one bowl up with warm water (the warmer the better but not boiling hot) and one bowl with cold water (doesnt have to be ice cold, just cold).
  2. Lightly soak the shapes in the warm water, swishing it gently around until you see the stabilizer dissolve.  You don’t want it to soak too long as you want some of the stabilizer left to keep the shape a little stiff.
  3. Lightly soak the shapes in the cold water and leave them to dry.
  4. Once completely dried, press them with an iron, then you can either glue them onto the card or stitch them.  You can add definition stitching on the design right through the card to give it dimension.  And Voila! Done!

Printable version of directions here:

Scrapbuster Christmas Cards

Templates of common Christmas shapes here:
